Cynthia Knox

How to Draw Metallic Texture With Colored Pencil

Cynthia Knox
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Duration:   24  mins


Gleaming metallic surfaces have captured the attention of artists throughout history. Seeing those shining surfaces jump off the page is a magical experience, and something that you, too, can have in work with the right guidance! If you want to bring realistic metallic textures to life, look no further—colored pencil artist and instructor Cynthia Knox breaks down the fundamentals of exactly how to create those metallic surfaces that shine through a series of easy-to-follow demonstrations.

First up, Cynthia takes you through the process of recreating polished silver by a layering process that builds up depth with your dark values next to the brightest highlights. Then, watch how utilizing a warmer palette gives you the ability to capture the distinct sheen of brass objects. In the final demonstration, Cynthia shows you exactly how to take the realism of your metallic textures to the next level by incorporating fine details and specific techniques that show you how to mimic both clear and frosted glass.

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