Basic Studio Setup and Organization
Nina WeissDescription
The ideal situation would be one where you have a dedicated space for a studio, but that’s not always an option. Either way, it is helpful to have everything on wheels. Think about ergonomics—are you left- or right-handed?—and move things around to be easily within reach. Palette, brushes, water, GAC, mister, paints, and paper towels should be all set up and ready to go before you start.
Nina prefers to stand at her easel instead of sitting at a table, because the possibility of unintentional foreshortening is eliminated when standing. She also uses her whole body and arm with her brush to paint, which requires standing up and back.
Your table and all its supplies should be at a height that is comfortable for you to avoid strain.
Your easel may be wood or aluminum and will have an adjustment for your canvas. You want to place your canvas at arm height so you’re not looking down at it. Have some distance between yourself and your subject, which should be lit with a single light source, such as a window or clamp light. If your easel is at the wrong angle to your subject, you may find that you have to look around your easel to see the subject instead of being able to just move your eyes back and forth. You will always want to have a fixed point of view to your subject—sitting down and standing up throughout the painting session won’t result in a consistent sightline.
Create an environment that makes you want to paint. Stand on a memory foam mat with comfortable shoes, maybe listen to music, and think about lighting. Daylight is best, but full-spectrum lighting is good as well. Think about your clothes and whether you’re comfortable in them and able to get paint on them.
Get yourself comfortable, remove your obstacles, and have fun painting!