Storyboarding: Two More Tips
Gerardo EscamillaDescription
The second tip is to draw shape driven designs to accomplish readability. He demonstrates this tip by sketching a character in colored pencil walking on tiptoes, then draws the same character with more curved lines, indicating the character is being sneaky. Notice how the second drawing makes the character’s intentions much clearer.
Remember that drawing for a storyboard is not about the details but about telling a compelling story.
On this video, we will work with a couple of tips to have in mind when drawing for a storyboard. Number one, try to draw fast and energetic, try not to focus too much on the details at the beginning, focus first on the overall expression of your character. So for example, instead of drawing this, try growing this and now we can add a little bit more of detail. And number two try always to draw shape driven designs to accomplish clean readability. So instead of drawing this, try drawing this notice how the second drawing is clearer than the first one since we can easier understand our characters.
Intentions finally remember that drawing for a storyboard is not about the details, but about telling a compelling story. So that's it. Thank you. And let's put this into practice.
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