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Enamel paint is a challenge as it dries about 2 seconds after it is laid down, especially on the paper, which is absorbent.
I switched from oils to mainly acrylics (and occasionally watercolor) to decrease my environmental impact. I've found acrylics to be a good bridge between oil and watercolor, allowing the effects of either depending on what you're trying to achieve with the painting.
Coloured pencils on Strathmore Bristol 300 with a pastel sky. Ancient pub, local to me. Great food & where I've performed many times.
Alcohol marker pens in grey scale with a watercolour wash background, A3 size
practice makes perfect.
Grandson pitching
These pictures are 20x30 illustration board done with carbon pencils. I darken the entire board with crushed carbon lead, once covered i erase the subject away till I get these beauties, love to hear your comments
A simple watercolor inspired by the end of Summer and onset of Fall...
Watercolor inspired by a Sarah Cray tutorial.